eHeart: A Spiritual Care Digital Platform in Denmark
Dr. Ricko Damberg Nissen, an anthropologist at the Research Unit for General Practice (University of Southern Denmark) talked about the development of “eHeart”, a digital platform for adult patients with cancer, their children and relatives.
Finding Our Way in Grief – A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Virtual Bereavement Support Group
Rev. Deadra B. Ashton and writer/storyteller Marv Klassen-Landis share how they launched a unique online bereavement support group at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center to help grieving patients through creative story telling.
Spiritual Care for the 21st Century An International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Telechaplaincy.
The first event of the Telechaplaincy Community of Practice was held onlineon October 19 and 20, 2022. It brought together over 20 healthcare chaplains, spiritual care providers, institutional leaders and managers who shared their experience with telechaplaincy.
This conference gave an overview on current developments in telechaplaincy, and provided an opportunity to acquire and improve practical telechaplaincy competencies, and exchange and network with telechaplains in Europe and North America.
Webinar on Telechaplaincy
The Chaplaincy Innovation Lab is joined by a team of chaplains and researchers to discuss practical tips for implementing telechaplaincy, as well as what growing research says about this significant method of spiritual care.